Quality theatre since 1975

We are seeking submissions for the 2023 ACT Presents...Diverse Voices

Actors Conservatory Theatre seeks original short plays written by local authors which feature stories by and about the BI-POC and LGBTQ+ community. Plays should be maximum 20 minutes in length, and can be drama or comedy. Plays must be unpublished and unproduced, and must have no option or production contract in place at the time of submission. All works will be blind juried. Submissions must be original work, written by the submitting author. Playwright must own all rights pertaining to the submission. Limit one submission per author.
All submissions must be received by
Monday, July 31, 2023, 11:59 pm (email timestamp)
Electronic submissions should be in pdf format. Each of the following should be sent via email to act@actshows.org as a separate document:
- Cover sheet– with playwright’s name, snail mail address, email address, phone number, title of the play, and a brief description of playwriting experience to date. Document should be titled FirstAndLastName_Coversheet. (E.g., JaneSmith_Coversheet)
- Play - with a title page that contains the title, character breakdown, and a short synopsis. All subsequent pages should have the title of the play at the top of each page. Pages should be numbered. The play should contain no reference to the name of the playwright. Document should be titled FirstAndLastName_PlayTitle. (E.g., JaneSmith_MyPlay)
Notification date: August 20, 2023
Production period: September, 2023
Staged Reading: Late September (exact dates TBD)
Production Details:
ACT’s artistic staff will cast, direct and produce the staged reading. While the writer holds the rights to the material, ACT will be responsible for the production. A talkback session with the audience will follow the staged reading.
Contact act@actshows.org
Additional Information:
Will the author receive an honorarium?...Yes (up to $500)
Will feedback or written critiques be offered?...No
Will full-length plays be accepted?...No
What do you mean by "local" authors?...We are seeking material from authors in Westchester and surrounding nearby communities.

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.